Xencelabs: Opposite Attract
North America
To create a more diverse and equal exhibition environment. Artiste Culture organised a virtual exhibition called The Artist Story held between 30th April and 30th June 2021. The exhibition was open to all contemporary visual artists from around the world.
About XenceLabs:
Xencelabs are a new global company with decades of combined experience across a range of creative industries.
They specialise in the graphic tablet market and develop tools where the details make the difference. They deliver premium digital design solutions that offer more value to professional creatives.
With the vision and conviction to create opportunities for emerging and seasoned artists to grow in their careers, Artiste Culture formed a partnership with Xencelabs.
The Exhibition:
Our life is full of opposites- man vs woman, right vs wrong, South vs North, love vs hate, orient vs occident… Does the opposite attract? Why do they, or don't they?
The Occident and the Orient, the two terms that are separated geographically and culturally, have been linked and integrated through trades, envoys, and cultural exchanges throughout history. And, the effects of this historical process are still being felt today, which is called globalisation.
And, along with the development of new media in the 21st century, virtuality comes into our life to solve the problem of reality. It is undoubtedly that our life gets facilitated, and extended with the assistance of high technology.
However, as the border between reality and virtuality is getting blurry, the relationship between reality and virtuality has been fiercely contested – what can we do with the increasing virtual consciousness, how can we control it; what effect may it leave on the nature of people…
To deliver the concept of opposites, 50 artworks by 50 artists were selected and displayed in the exhibition. Guest Judge Kristina Kister was invited to review the exhibited artworks and select the ones that best fit the concept. She presented artists who were able to keep a balance between technique, creativity and narrative.
The artists who were selected for the exhibition were:
Aadit Basu, India
Abhiniti Arora, India
Adam Niklewicz, USA
Adyasha Sen, India
Allan Martin, Canada
Ameana Alessandri, England
Anyam Borpuzari, India
Ariana Jhaveri, India
Arpit Bhattacharya, India
Ayushi Chaurasia, India
Bruna Denegri Serkovic, Peru
Debarpita Sarkar, India
Dixit Motiwala, India
Eden Redpath, USA
Farhan Shaikh, India
Hi-Jeong So, South Korea
Himanshu Gopalani, India
Ilianna Kamtsiora, Greece
Isabella Kobi, Brazil
Isreal Ozioma Jesuloba, Nigeria
Jacqueline Williams, India
Juhie Shamdasani, India
Matthew Mifsud, England
Melanie Royster, USA
Mohamed Imran, India​​
Mohita Kaul, India
Muskaan Mishra, India
Nagy Deborah, Romania
Nehal Sharma, India
Pavneet Singh, India
Pellin Li, China
Prerit Jain, India
Rini Angeliantari, Indonesia
Rohit Chakraborty, India
Sajal Jain, India
Sakshi Sharmae, India
Sam Alexander Mattacott, England
Sandeep Kumar, India
Sayantan Kundu, India
Shyamolie Madhavji, India
Srotoswini Sinha, India
Sumit Jumde, India
Sumit Sharma, India
Tushar Madaan, India
Urjasvi Gandhi, India
Vasudha Bakshi, India
Vibeke Kidmose, Denmark
Wei Li, Canada
Yasha Shrivastava, India
Zareen Ashraf, Pakistan
Just as traditional and digital forms of art stand in contrast to each other, XenceLabs offered prizes to winning artists to encourage a path towards digital art. As a part of the competition, prizes for the winning artists were announced in three positions.
First- A paid contract with Xencelabs and a Xencelabs bundle
Second- Xencelabs bundle
Third- Xencelabs Standard
The first, second and third prizes were awarded to artists Jacqueline Williams, Yasha Shrivastava and Rini Angeliantari respectively.
'Opposites Attract' cannot only be the external cultural norms but also internal motivations, such as introversion vs extroversion, sense and sensibility, courage, and timidity. Most importantly, 'Opposites Attract' is what some artists strive to seek in their artistic journey.
The exhibition was successful in giving artists the opportunity to display an aesthetic view of opposites blending with each other. Artworks showcased a clash of colours, stories, cultures and feelings giving a viewer a distinctive insight into the inspiration behind the art pieces.